Graphic design, layout, and illustrations for the BAPI – Bairros Amigáveis à Primeira Infância guides. The publications are part of Urban95, a global initiative aimed at incorporating the perspectives of babies, young children, and caregivers into urban planning, mobility strategies, and the programs and services offered in cities.
In addition to the four publications, packaging and templates for digital applications on the website and social media were developed. The guides are available for download at this link.
Guide 1 – Structuring Public Policies
Guide 2 – Public Policy Manual
Guide 3 – Urban Design Guidelines
Guide 4 – Indicators for Monitoring
Website and Social Media
Project developed at Oitentaedois
Client: Instituto de Arquitetos do Brasil and Bernard van Leer Foundation
Coordination: Douglas Higa and Bruno Kim
Team: Julia Vannucchi and Alexandre Sato

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