70 illustrated cards for a board game designed to think about cities focused on early childhood!
Early childhood (0 to 6 years) is the period when the brain develops the most! It is also the age group most vulnerable to the negative impacts that urban systems can have on human health, so designing a city friendly to early childhood ends up benefiting all residents.
The illustrations in the game aim to make the cards accessible to adults and children, as well as to professionals, managers, or members of the civil society—anyone interested in addressing an urban challenge!
The board game O Jogo Como Ferramenta: Boas Práticas Urbanísticas para a Primeira Infância Brasileira was developed by Lîla Coletiva in partnership with IAB and the Bernard van Leer Foundation. The graphic design was done by Coletivo Oitentaedois.

The game is available for free download on the Arbo platform.
Project developed at Bicho Coletivo
Team: Julia Vannucchi, Luisa Kon and Rodrigo Chedid

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